Owned Page 2
I felt like I was floating, my body was not my own anymore.
I didn’t know how long I was out. I just heard a commotion; Kat’s voice seemed to be the only one I recognize. Great! Perfect Kat again, to the rescue.
I remembered I was held up, helped by someone. Kat’s voice was indignantly admonishing the lady who owned the shop, saying she had no right to hurt us like that.
As she ushered us out of that basement, the old lady’s parting words haunted me so.
“Be careful girl, NKisi will come for you; he will hunt you to the ends of the earth. I was trying to help, prolong your time with your loved ones. Prepare to say goodbye.”
As we left the shop she was still shouting.
“You will need my help soon! She will be taken! NKisi chose her!”
What I want to know is who chose who?
Chapter 3 Joan
Everything hurt. There is not an inch of my skin that isn’t burning in pain. Wait until my Dad hears about this, I will personally be there to close that blasted shop. My father will slap that woman with a ton of lawsuit she wouldn’t know which way is up. She wouldn’t be able to sell even a tiny bottle cap in this town ever again.
Note to self. Never go in strange shops in the future.
I really want to puke, but it’s Kat’s car. Better tell her to pull over.
“Kat, I need to hurl. I feel a puke coming.”
Kat hurriedly made the car swerve along the curb and braked. I dashed out of the car and rushed to find a place to hurl.
When I finished, Kat helped me into the car. Tucked my usually neat hair but is now stringy and messy. She also gave me water to rinse my mouth.
“What the hell happened there?” asked Veronica.
I saw Jane still dazed, whatever she whiffed from that madwoman’s basement might have affected her brain, if she’s got any.
“Jo, tell us what happened.” Kat asked calmly.
“After we left you, Jane went over the displays and held this statue with spikes and she sliced her finger, she dropped the statue which in turn broke and then the shopkeeper was screaming and chanting, forced us to go down in the hidden basement, whacked us with tree branches and chanted in a foreign language we don’t understand. Do you think she cursed us?”
Kat was contemplating on my question.
“I don’t know, she said she was protecting you, buying you a few days to say goodbye to your families before this NKisi comes for you. We will have to report this! That woman might be deranged. I told you, you shouldn’t have gone there.” Kat looked pointedly at Jane.
Jane moaned, she looked like she just swallowed a batch of pot brownies, she looked that high. “Kat, I think we need to look at Jane. I think she’s been drugged. I didn’t know what that woman had on the air downstairs but it made us compliant. We just stood there and took whatever she dished at us. Maybe if we took her to a hospital, get her something to make her wake up.”
“I don’t think it’s a stimulant is what she needs Jo.” Kat said.
“Yeah, maybe a bang on the head is what she needs.” interjected Veronica acerbically.
“Everyone let’s not be too hasty, let’s just stay calm. We’ll go home, the two of you should get cleaned up and then we’ll formulate a plan, alright?”
“Yes, mother!” Veronica chided.
Chapter 4 Veronica
The gang decided to go to my house to clean up. Calling it a house is putting it mildly; it’s more like a matchstick. Yes, I live in a trailer. Not like these girls. They’ve all got decent homes, decent families. I don’t know what they saw in me and why they befriended me in the first place. With a washed up lounge singer for a mom who doesn’t know who fathered her kid and lives in a dingy trailer and is as poor as a mouse, they should’ve chosen a better fourth.
Jane’s mom is an author and is always at home writing her New Generation Young Adult books, so we definitely can’t go there, we’ll be found out faster than we can say pie. It’s the same with Joan, who have lawyers for parents, an only child and lives in a mansion complete with CCTV and guards at the gate of their exclusive subdivision. And then there’s Kat, the leader of the group, she’s brainy, quite well off with medical doctors for parents and a shoe in for an Ivy League school in College in two years. She’ll never want for anything; she’s got beauty and brains. She’s perfect.
I just know that someday they might realize that I’m not really good enough for them and they’ll drop me. I hope not but hey, life never really was very good to me some might say I got the end of the short stick.
I saw that they’ve finished cleaning up. Jane crashed on my single bed wearing a borrowed t-shirt of mine and so was Joan.
“Veronica,” Kat called from the living room, “I want to go back there and ask that woman what really happened and what will be the implications of that incident. I want to make sure that nothing bad will occur.”
“Kat, it’s not that I don’t care but it’s creepy there, okay. I don’t like it there. Gives me the willies” I shivered as an effect.
“But look at them, Jane’s still uncommunicative, I have to drag her ass into the bathroom and clean her up. Joan is in pain and I don’t know what to do.” She said anxiously.
“You are nuts Kat, we shouldn’t leave them alone here. What if they wake and need us. I’m not that comfortable to have them here. What if my mom came home?” and if she did, she might bring in those greasy men she picks up in the bar where she sings. With Jane’s pot-headed stupor and Joan in forty winks of sleep he might think it’s a free for all orgy in my bedroom.
“Okay,” she said, agreeing, “but at the first sign of trouble, I’m going back there and confronting that woman. Okay”
“As if I could ever stop you?”
We watched TV from our old television set for a while and waited for them to wake up. Ironically the program being shown is Supernatural hmmm; Sam and Dean are yummy as pie. Joan groggily walked to the living room and asked if Kat could take her home, she took her keys and said she’ll be back in twenty minutes.
Jane still had not woken up. When Kat returned I told her we should wake Jane and send her home.
The problem is when we got there she is not breathing.
Chapter 5 Kat
It was a frantic dash to the hospital.
I knew mom and dad were on duty so I knew who to call. 911 couldn’t get here fast enough. I administered CPR, just like our Disaster Preparedness seminar taught. I aspire to be a doctor someday, but what good is all that if I let a friend die.
Veronica was sobbing while she called Jane’s mom, we knew that if something bad will happen, she would want her mom there. They were very close; it was just the two of them after her dad died from a plane crash a few years ago.
After that phone call we dialed Joan’s number. We heard the other line ringing but nobody answered the phone; it just takes you straight to voicemail. We were worried something had happened to her too. So Veronica decided to check on her after we met Jane’s mom in the hospital lobby. Her state was really pitiful and she was very frazzled, we knew she doesn’t have anyone other than Jane.
When I was administering CPR on Jane, I noticed that her eyes were open, it was still glazed over and her pupils were dilated. That’s what I’ve observe clinically.
On a friend’s point of view though, it was as if she was still conscious, trying to tell me something, trying to warn me about an oncoming misfortune that will befall upon us soon.
I should’ve heeded that warning.
As the doctors operated on her, trying to revive her dwindling pulse, I knew what I had to do. I have to go back to that shop and confront that woman about what happened to my friend.
It was still 6:06 in the afternoon, the mall closes at nine.
I borrowed my parent’s sedan and hurriedly got to the shop. The drive wasn’t long since the mall was located a few blocks away from the hospital.
Thank God it was still open. I cautiously went insi
de, knowing how crazy the shop-owner was I should have thought of a back-up plan.
“I see you are back, did something happen?” the airy maternal voice of the elderly shop owner greeted me even though I was still barely inside. My brain was asking how she knew I would be back so soon.
“You better tell me now, when it’s still early, I can still save you. Your friend is another matter though, I’m afraid she’s lost.” She spoke to my right.
“No, you lie! Jane is in the hospital when I left. Barely breathing when we found her. Her pulse was erratic, but her eyes were still alive. It was as if she is trying to tell me something. Please tell me, what did you do to her? Tell me so I can help her.” I pleaded.
“I’m afraid all is too late my dear. Your friend Jane had so much envy, so much hate at the time she held the NKisi statue. It fueled its power, fed on her emotions; jealousy, greed, desire to be the first in every way, spite, that’s what I read from her.” She quietly got near to me; I saw her holding Jane’s favorite pink scarf. Stroking it as if she can know of Jane innermost desire just by touching a piece of cloth.
“What do you mean?” I asked still in disbelief at her vague declaration.
“Your so called friend hated you, hated you enough that NKisi noticed and took her blood to make what she wished for come true, to make him mortal again and be released from the trappings of his prison. So that he can live, he already claimed your friend. Don’t be the next one.” She warned.
“You keep on bringing NKisi, what is it? What do you mean by its too late for Jane, she’s still alive and I can still help her!” I asked, everything is still unclear. I need to know every detail so that I can help Jane.
“NKisi is not an it, he is as mortal and as tangible as you or me.” She took a broken figurine atop her desk. “This was what your friend held; her thoughts must be of immense hate to make him alive. This is just a vessel; in fact this is justa very old antique Fetish Statue, an NKisi Curse Figure. These kind of wooden figures were used for Black Magic operations, to curse specific people, as well as for pacts. This particular figure was obviously used for baneful ends, with its right arm raised and holding a dagger.” She said as she points to the rusty but still sharp looking dagger wielded by the figure. “This fetish statue, like most of the NKisi figures, has been carved from wood, and has a hollowed out cavity around the belly area, where various magical attachments are to be placed - both relating to the spirit of the Fetish, and also personal items belonging to the intended victim’s, hair or nail clippings. The Fetish figure was activated by Nganga, a series of rituals and ceremonies, which would call upon a spirit to enter the fetish figure, and make the fetish its home. Once activated, the fetish becomes an NKisi, a very powerful object, activated by a specific spirit, which is able to use and control a great variety of other spirits, but this one is different. This one is special. It came directly from the source and passed down from generation to generation. Other statues like this are just the army and this one is the general.” She explained eerily.
“What is the curse and how will I stop it?”
“The only one who knows is your dying friend. NKisi is draining her life force as we speak. You don’t have much time, she has to tell you what she wished for or thought of before you can stop the curse and free her. If she can be freed, if you are successful then you are the first one to do so in almost a hundred years.”
“But ma’am she was unresponsive when I left her at the hospital. I was hoping you know how to stop it and make her wake.”
“Alright, I may be of help, take these words seriously, I know of only one human who defeated NKisi, she was my great grandmother, it was many years ago, a man coveted his friend’s wife. He wished upon a statue to give him the girl and he will be its eternal slave. My great grandmother loved my great grandfather so much that NKisi’s magic never succeeded although she had to stab the wisher on the heart with the same dagger the statue was holding.”
“Do you mean that I have to stab my friend? I can’t do that, that’s sick. I can’t kill her, I won’t kill her!” I loudly contradicted.
“Kill her you must! Kill her and end the curse or all of you will die. He will take all of you; he won’t stop until he does. He’s merciless, cunning and incredibly evil.” She warned.
“No! Never. She’s my friend!”
“Would you die for her? What if she threatened someone you love? What if she kills them? Are you willing to be killed yourself? because that’s what she’ll do. She’ll kill all of you once NKisi devours her soul.”
I was still in denial. Jane wouldn’t do that; she couldn’t even hurt a fly. Sweet, sensitive and naïve Jane, thinking about having to harm her, to kill her makes me mad. This is just all so foolish!
“Just take this dagger, for safekeeping. You wouldn’t know when you might need it. You seem like a sensible girl, what have you got to lose.”
I reluctantly accepted what she gave me. I couldn’t think of a way to refuse. Maybe I don’t have to use this; there must be another way for the curse to be lifted.
I went back to the hospital anxious to find out about Jane’s condition.
It was a long wait, but all of it was worth when she responded, she finally could breathe without the help of a respirator and was moved out of the intensive care unit although she’s still in a medically induced coma to give her time to heal.
Dr. Watson, the physician handling Jane has ecstatically told us that she may be out within the week. Maybe all this talk about curses and black magic was just a con trick. Jane did not die; she’s breathing and will be with us soon.
I am happy. Happier than when I got full A+’s on my report card or the day I got my very own car. I have to call Veronica to tell her the good news.
Chapter 6 Veronica
I dreaded telling Joan about what happened; from the four of us those two were the closest. It must be because they are opposites; one who is frigid balances out the warm.
I rung their elaborate doorbell, Joan’s house is huge. It’s good that Kat let me borrow her car; I knew then that my noisy scooter wouldn’t cut it in this neighborhood.
But when I rang her phone, nobody was answering. Maybe she’s still asleep. As I’ve climbed onto the trellis leading to her balcony, I felt like Romeo climbing into Juliet’s space and I’m not even a Butch. I’m nearly halfway there when I was interrupted.
“What are you doing?” ugh, it was a boy. “I don’t think anyone’s home; I just saw them pack up their bags and leave.”
“What? But we have school tomorrow. Joan’s parents would never do that. I’m Veronica by the way.” OMG! Hot Guy Alert! I stretched out my hand to shake his.
Whoa. Nice strong grip.
“I’m Sin; I think I’ll be going to your school too. We’ve just transferred from down South and bought that house.” He pointed a bigger house than what Joan has. It was situated uphill like a king sitting on a throne and surveying his lowly minions.
“So you’ve just got here and haven’t the time to know anyone or do you have friends at school, if not I could show you around?” I suggested, closing in early to my new prey. Hello marlin meet ms. barracuda.
“No, I haven’t known anyone yet, but I hope to have friends soon.” He smiled showing of perfect dimples and incredible white teeth that contrasted his amazing tan.
“Oh, so see you tomorrow then. I better be going, one of my friends was in the hospital and I just went here to inform Joan. She was not answering her phone.”
“Alright then, see you around Veronica.”
“Bye.” I couldn’t resist one last look. Damn! That boy is hot! I love to lick his caramel skin and those almond shaped eyes and long lashes any girl would envy, hot damn! And he has a dimple too, man I’m melting! I better call dibs before he sees Kat, every one falls for Kat. Not that she would readily reciprocate, the blind bitch! What I like about Kat is when we like someone, and he wants to be with her, Kat would always distance herself from that boy because
she knows it would hurt us. Hah, she’ll be eaten by hungry hyenas in the real world, she should start toughening up!
As I drove on, I failed to ask him if he’ll have the same class as me and the girls too. Hmm, never mind, there’s plenty of time tomorrow.
Oh God. Kat.
I’m sorry Kat. I really am. This is all my fault. Please don’t hurt her, I’ll do anything. And Joan.
Joan! I’m sorry!
Red. Everything is red. Hot, thick, liquefied glorious red. Like a vat of melted chocolate that boils over a hot pan, bubbling up, calling me.
I bathe in it. Glorified in it.
I filled a pool, and swam its shore. The warmth soothes. It’s like being reborn again.
I’m beginning to wake.
It is freezing.
Chapter 8 Joan
Thank God the hurting stopped. Tonight I will rest.
Chapter 9 Kat
Last night was dreadful, seeing Jane almost dead shook me up. I haven’t even reconciled myself to what would be my world without one of my friends. I just can’t.
They are like my family; losing one of them would severely scar me. I would forever bear the burden of not doing enough to save one of them. Jane’s near death put me in perspective. I should not have left them alone; the guilt that I carried will always haunt me.
While waiting for my mom to park the car in front of the school, she turned to me suddenly, “Are you sure you can handle going to school so soon after what happened with Jane, dear?”
“Of course mom, I can’t miss school. I need to maintain my grades if I want to be a doctor like you and dad someday. I just hope I’ll be as good too. Thank you for saving her, mom.”